Friday, December 15, 2006

Helsing Ultimate: The Interview

Anime News Network has published a very good interview with the three artists who did the english dubs for the Hellsing TV Series. The theme is the 2006 OVA "Hellsing Ultimate".

"Years ago, director Taliesin Jaffe, voice actor Crispin Freeman, and producer Jonathan Klein collaborated on the first English language track for the TV version of what would become one of the premiere anime franchises in America - Hellsing - and produced one of the most celebrated English dubs in the history of the medium. Now, in 2006, these three artists - along with the entire original cast - have come together to once more bring the series to life. We sat down with them for a candid chat about diving in to Hellsing Ultimate."

Check out the complete interview here: » Hellsing Ultimate: The Interview «

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